Materials rcovery facility. Large white building with light green stripes on the left. On the far left is a white recycling symbol in white. Blue sky background around the building with a green lawn in the front.

Recycling Facility

The Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) accepts recyclables from commercial and municipal waste haulers. There are many benefits for the region when material delivered to the MRF has low amounts of contamination. The most important one is that the end product produced and sold in the marketplace is of good quality. Establishing a reliable reputation allows for our Region to be able to move our products. If this reputation is not established, then end markets may be reluctant to buy from our MRF. To assist with the success of our recycling program for the Region it is beneficial that all delivered material be clean with low levels of contamination.

For more details on accepted materials and guidelines for delivering materials to the MRF click here.


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